Current players: ... Current servers: ...


Call of Duty 2
Command Example Explanation
/rcon login <rcon_password> /rcon login "fghthebest" This command will gain you admin privilages on the gameserver.
/rcon map_restart /rcon map_restart Restarts the map.
/rcon fast_restart /rcon fast_restart Restart the scores.
/rcon map <mapname> /rcon map mp_toujane Change the map.
/rcon status /rcon status Shows the PB guids, client numbers.
/rcon clientkick <#nr> /rcon clientkick 1 Kick a player from the server.
/rcon kickall /rcon kickall Kicks everyone on the server.
/rcon pam_mode <mode_type> /rcon pam_mode cb Loads the provided pam mode. Modes: cb, cb_1v1, cb_2v2, mr12
Call of Duty 4
Command Example Explanation
/rcon login <rcon_password> /rcon login "fghthebest" This command will gain you admin privilages on the gameserver.
/rcon map_restart /rcon map_restart Restarts the map.
/rcon fast_restart /rcon fast_restart Restart the scores.
/rcon map <mapname> /rcon map mp_crash Change the map.
/rcon status /rcon status Shows the PB guids, client numbers.
/rcon clientkick <#nr> /rcon clientkick 1 Kick a player from the server.
/rcon kickall /rcon kickall Kicks everyone on the server.
Command Example Explanation
rcon_password <rcon_password> rcon_password "fghthebest" This command will gain you admin privilages on the gameserver.
rcon sv_restart <seconds> rcon sv_restart 3 Restarts the game in X seconds.
rcon maps * rcon maps * Shows all the available maps.
rcon changelevel <mapname> rcon changelevel de_dust2 Change the map.
rcon banid <userID> [reason] rcon banid #4 "Griefing" Ban (+kick) an user. (Type "status" in console to find the userID)
rcon kick <name> rcon kick "Yorick" Kick a player from the server.
Counter-Strike: Source
Command Example Explanation
rcon_password <rcon_password> rcon_password "fghthebest" This command will gain you admin privilages on the gameserver.
rcon mp_restartgame <seconds> rcon mp_restartgame 3 Restarts the game in X seconds.
rcon maps * rcon maps * Shows all the available maps.
rcon changelevel <mapname> rcon changelevel de_dust2 Change the map.
rcon banid <userID> [reason] rcon banid #4 "Griefing" Ban (+kick) an user. (Type "status" in console to find the userID)
rcon kick <name> rcon kick "Yorick" Kick a player from the server.
zb_lo3 zb_lo3 - Executes config defined in "zb_matchconfig"
- Restarts the round 3 times
- Returning startmoney to value set in "zb_startmoney" (Default 800)
zb_ko3 zb_ko3 Restarts the round 3 times, declaring a knife-round.
zb_kickt <REASON> zb_kickt "bad players" Kicks all terrorist team players.
zb_kickct <REASON> zb_kickct "bad players" Kicks all counter-terrorist team players.
zb_kickspec <REASON> zb_kickspec "bad spectators" Kicks all spectating players.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Command Example Explanation
rcon_password <rcon_password> rcon_password "fghthebest" This command will gain you admin privilages on the gameserver.
rcon mp_restartgame <seconds> rcon mp_restartgame 3 Restarts the game in X seconds.
rcon maps * rcon maps * Shows all the available maps.
rcon changelevel <mapname> rcon changelevel de_dust2 Change the map.
rcon banid <userID> [reason] rcon banid #4 "Griefing" Ban (+kick) an user. (Type "status" in console to find the userID)
rcon kick <name> rcon kick "Yorick" Kick a player from the server.
rcon exec <configfile.cfg> rcon exec esl5on5.cfg Server will execute the config: esl5on5.cfg - You need to use: rcon exec file.cfg | Example: pracc.cfg, start.cfg, cevo.cfg
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Command Example Explanation
/ref <refpassword> /ref fghthebest This command will gain you admin privilages on the gameserver.
/ref <config> /ref nopb5 The chosen config name winter10_5, global6, nopb5 etc.
/ref map <mapname> /ref map sw_goldrush_te The mapname such as supply, sw_goldrush_te , sp_delivery_te etc.
/ref restart /ref restart Aborts a match in progress, starts a new match.
/ref allready /ref allready Readies all players in the current game.
/ref lock /ref lock Locks both teams.
/ref unlock /ref unlock Unlocks both teams.
/ref putallies <player> <ip> /ref putallies Yorick Puts a player on the allies team.
/ref putaxis <player> <ip> /ref putaxis Yorick Puts a player on the axis team.
/ref callvote comp /ref callvote comp Loads OSP�s match/competition settings.
/abort /abort Aborts a match in progress
/players /players To see the ip�s of every player on the server.
/speclock /speclock Locks both teams from spectators.
/specunlock /specunlock Unlocks both teams from spectators.
/pause /pause Pauses the match.
/unpause /unpause Resumes the match
Garry's Mod
Command Example Explanation
rcon_password <rcon_password> rcon_password "fghthebest" This command will gain you admin privilages on the gameserver.
rcon mp_restartgame <seconds> rcon mp_restartgame 3 Restarts the game in X seconds.
rcon maps * rcon maps * Shows all the available maps.
rcon changelevel <mapname> rcon changelevel de_dust2 Change the map.
rcon banid <userID> [reason] rcon banid #4 "Griefing" Ban (+kick) an user. (Type "status" in console to find the userID)
rcon kick <name> rcon kick "Yorick" Kick a player from the server.
Battalion 1944
Command Example Explanation
Server.Config.<CONFIG_NAME> <VALUE> Server.Config.<CONFIG_NAME> <VALUE> Change server config values
Server.Restart Server.Restart Restart the server
Server.Shutdown Server.Shutdown Shutdown the server
Server.EndRound Server.EndRound Force end the round
Server.Pause Server.Pause Pause the game - use again to unpause
Server.WinRound Server.WinRound Force win the round
Server.LoseRound Server.LoseRound Force lose the round
Server.LoadNextGame Server.LoadNextGame Load the next map/mode in the rotation
Server.ChangeMap <MAP> <GAMEMODE> Server.ChangeMap Outpost CTF Change to a map + mode
Server.Announce <MESSAGE> Server.Announce Hello Announce a message to everyone in the server
Server.Invulnerable Server.Invulnerable Toggle to make yourself invulnerable
Server.GiveWeapon <WEAPON NAME> Server.GiveWeapon <WEAPON NAME> Give a specified weapon to yourself
Server.GiveGrenade <NUM> Server.GiveGrenade 1 Give a grenade to yourself
Server.GiveSmokeGrenade <NUM> Server.GiveSmokeGrenade 1 Give a smoke grenade to yourself
Server.GiveAmmo <NUM> Server.GiveAmmo 20 Give ammo to yourself
Server.DisconnectAll Server.DisconnectAll Disconnect everyone from the server
Server.AddBot <NUM> Server.AddBot 2 Add a bot to the server
Server.KillBots Server.KillBots Kill all bots
Server.KickPlayerByName <NAME> Server.KickPlayerByName monkey Kick player by name
Server.KickPlayerBySteamID <ID> Server.KickPlayerBySteamID <ID> Kick a player by their steam id
Server.ListPartyMembers Server.ListPartyMembers List all party members
Server.ChangeToTeam <0 or 1> Server.ChangeToTeam1 Change yourself to team
Server.State <STATE_NAME> Server.State WaitingToStart Change the game state to (WaitingToStart, CountdownToStart, SetupRound, PostRound, PostMatch)
Cmd.GetPlayerStats Cmd.GetPlayerStats Will dump out the entire session players info.
Insurgency: Sandstorm
Command Example Explanation
help help Displays a list of commands.
listplayers listplayers Lists players currently connected to the server.
kick <id/netid/name> [reason] kick "Yorick" "Bad player" Kicks a player from the server.
ban <id/netid/name> [duration in minutes] [reason] ban "Yorick" 60 "Bad player" Bans a player from the server.
permban <id/netid/name> [reason] permban "Yorick" "Bad player" Permanently bans a player from the server.
unban <netid> unban "yorick" Lifts a ban for a user.
listbans listbans Shows the ban list for the server.
say <message> say "Hello" Shows a message to all players in the chat box.
restartround [0 = no team switch, 1 = swap teams] restartround 1 Restarts the current round.
maps [level filter] maps Lists available maps.
maps [level filter] scenarios Lists available scenarios.
travelscenario <scenario> travelscenario Change level to given scenario.
travelscenario <travel url> travelscenario Transitions the server to a different level.
gamemodeproperty <property> [new value] gamemodeproperty Gets or sets a gamemode property for the length of the scenario.
Command Example Explanation
help help Shows all the available server commands.
kick <name/ip/userID> kick "Yorick" Kicks a player from the server.
ban <name/ip/userID> ban "Yorick" Bans a player from the server.
unban <name/ip/userID> unban "" Unbans a player from the server.
banned banned Shows the ban list for the server.
ping ping Tests your latency by sending a ping to the server.
lodbias <number> lodbias 1.5 Sets the distance lodbias or shows the lodbias if left empty. By default this is 1.5.
info info Prints the current system information.